
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2022

My relationship with my study program is...complicated.

In order not to be so negative, I will start with the good: I love that there is the possibility of being able to specialize in all kinds of fields and expertise, in addition to the fact that it brings together people who come from all over Chile, although everyone tends to think more or less the same.  In the negative area, what bothers me the most is the lack of true plurality, which is supposedly one of the great and prestigious values ​​that the University of Chile has. I suppose it is a general problem throughout different universities, but I feel that the University of Chile is the emblem when it comes to creating professionals who think the same and have more political and activist aspirations than their professional curiosity. The problem is also the image of the nasty "ñuñoino" that the students themselves seek to replicate, with zero self awareness, but I suppose they are problems too complex even for Cosmo and Wanda to solve with a simple wish of a magic wand. Amon

Start spreading the news

 Hi homies, I tell you about the wonderful experience of how I am preparing to go to the USA at the end of the year. In the middle of the year, my wife (yes) discovered a "work and travel" program, which consists of traveling throughout the summer to work in the United States. We signed up and chose a job in upstate New York, 5 hours outside of the city, which works perfect for vacationing while scraping together a little money. Initially the trip would only last 3 months, but if the work takes longer, I will have no problem staying with the gringos. Of all the cities, New York is the one we like the most for its incredible diversity of landscapes and multiculturalism. No matter what kind of person you are, there is always something new to do in the city that never sleeps. Personally, I would love to visit as many museums as possible, the tallest skyscrapers in existence, and go to jazz nightclubs.

Me and the Monkeys, 2019.

 The best concert of my life has been, by far, the Lollapalooza of 2019. I had been waiting for many years to see the Arctic Monhkeys live, my favorite band of all time, and when I finally found out that they would come to Chile to present their album Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino, I knew that this was the moment. I searched all over the internet until I found some tickets for 40,000 pesos for the day I wanted to go. I organized online with many unknown fans who were also going to see the monkeys, and we agreed to be the first to arrive, as soon as the doors opened, to take place on the railing, inches from the stage. All day I waited while the artists passed through the stage, until finally, at 10 pm, Alex Turner and company made their appearance, and the public went wild. 5 minutes of presentation and there were many women who fainted from lack of oxygen. We couldn't be more pressed against the bars. Between shoves and elbows I managed to get room to breathe and sang at the t