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 Hi homies, I tell you about the wonderful experience of how I am preparing to go to the USA at the end of the year.

In the middle of the year, my wife (yes) discovered a "work and travel" program, which consists of traveling throughout the summer to work in the United States.

We signed up and chose a job in upstate New York, 5 hours outside of the city, which works perfect for vacationing while scraping together a little money.

Initially the trip would only last 3 months, but if the work takes longer, I will have no problem staying with the gringos.

Of all the cities, New York is the one we like the most for its incredible diversity of landscapes and multiculturalism. No matter what kind of person you are, there is always something new to do in the city that never sleeps.

Personally, I would love to visit as many museums as possible, the tallest skyscrapers in existence, and go to jazz nightclubs.


  1. I really like the new york vibe. A city that they say does not sleep. I hope you have a great time listening to jazz, it's a unique style of music. I recommend you visit Central Park, it is a place that you should definitely visit in new york.

  2. Hi Camilo, I've always been curious about programs like Work and Travel, by the opportunity they offer, it's great to have someone so close to live the experience. New York is a fascinating city for me, specifically for the film references you can visit. I hope you and your wife have a great time.


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