My relationship with my study program is...complicated.

In order not to be so negative, I will start with the good: I love that there is the possibility of being able to specialize in all kinds of fields and expertise, in addition to the fact that it brings together people who come from all over Chile, although everyone tends to think more or less the same. 

In the negative area, what bothers me the most is the lack of true plurality, which is supposedly one of the great and prestigious values ​​that the University of Chile has. I suppose it is a general problem throughout different universities, but I feel that the University of Chile is the emblem when it comes to creating professionals who think the same and have more political and activist aspirations than their professional curiosity.

The problem is also the image of the nasty "ñuñoino" that the students themselves seek to replicate, with zero self awareness, but I suppose they are problems too complex even for Cosmo and Wanda to solve with a simple wish of a magic wand.

Among the changes that I do believe can be made, I would like there to be teachers who know as much about technology and digital journalism as they know about indoctrination. The most dope professor I have ever had is precisely the one in digital tools, and even she admits that within the university she is a fish out of water. The University of Chile prepares you to be an old school journalist, one of those who no longer have jobs because the traditional media fire more people every day than they hire.


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