Me and the Monkeys, 2019.

 The best concert of my life has been, by far, the Lollapalooza of 2019.

I had been waiting for many years to see the Arctic Monhkeys live, my favorite band of all time, and when I finally found out that they would come to Chile to present their album Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino, I knew that this was the moment. I searched all over the internet until I found some tickets for 40,000 pesos for the day I wanted to go.

I organized online with many unknown fans who were also going to see the monkeys, and we agreed to be the first to arrive, as soon as the doors opened, to take place on the railing, inches from the stage.

All day I waited while the artists passed through the stage, until finally, at 10 pm, Alex Turner and company made their appearance, and the public went wild.

5 minutes of presentation and there were many women who fainted from lack of oxygen. We couldn't be more pressed against the bars. Between shoves and elbows I managed to get room to breathe and sang at the top of my lungs. I lost my voice for a week.

Seeing the monkeys in front of me, as if it were a friend, was one of the most surreal experiences I have ever experienced. It was hard for me to think that this person was not just an internet performance and that there was actually a human being who was the face behind the voice.

Now I'm just hoping to save enough to go see them in a few weeks.


  1. Hi Camilo!. It sounds that you had a big experience on that concert, when you see your favorite artist it´s an incredible emotion and joy!


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